We hear sneaky music as 2 mysterious ears travel along behind the couch.

A familiar face comes up.

It's the Trix Rabbit and he hops over the couch and sits down.

He pours delicious nuggets of Trix into a bowl.

He reaches off stage for milk.

He thinks he is getting away with something and chuckles.

He picks up the TV remote.

He turns on the TV.

A General Mills sponsored cartoon starts up.

He gets ready to enjoy his 2 favorite pleasures...

He contemplates the delicious flavors he is about to indulge in.

T.R. pours Trix nuggets towards his hungry mouth.

He is startled by the voice of a kid. "Silly rabbit...

...Cartoons are for kids!"

Girl: "And so are Trix!"

He Hog the Atomic Pig starts up on TV.

Kids: YAAAY! IT'S HE HOG! Thank you General Mills!
We zoom in on the TV until the cartoon fills the screen.